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Full Version: Efforts To Halt Climate Change
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Hello, the featured article is one that stresses the importance of reducing the negative effects us humans have on our own planet, earth. This thread will be a brief summary of the article, and why it is so important. 

According to the article, the earths temperature is warming up to 1.5C, it does not seem like much, but this little number could possibly have massive effects on ecosystems, animals, and even ourselves, humans. Many government officials met in South Korea to discuss this matter as it has been regarded as an emergency. How may this affect us? In order to combat climate change, we almost have to change everything about how we live daily. This includes transportation, housing, it can even come down to how we eat. To become more efficient in transportation, we must carpool more, use public transit, ride that cool bike sitting in your garage, or even investing in electrical vehicles. To become more efficient in housing, we must look at houses/apartments that offer a more efficient bill each month, or follow the trend of going solar. It may sound ridiculous, but we can also help reduce climate change when we eat our favourite foods. If we don´t waste our food, we reduce the amount of times a truck has to deliver to a grocery store, eliminating air pollution, which reduces climate change.

Scientists are saying these changes should happen by 2030, but it will not only be us making these changes. Our governments and leaders also need to step up to the plate. It has been estimated that governments must make investments of up to 2.3 trillion dollars to reduce these emissions and lower our global temperature. If this does not occur, we will most likely lose many ecosystems, animals, and even icecaps which means high water levels. Why is this so important? High water levels will raise the sea level, causing many small islands and shore cities to flood.

Scientists say we should act, and rather quickly. We do not have much time, but there is some time to correct it. 12 years. Humans are resilient, but are arguably one of the most stubborn creatures known to earth. In order to achieve a more eco friendly world, we must influence. This takes influencing those that believe, those that do not, and those that simply do not know. We must also apply pressure upon our leaders to recognize this issue, because if they do not act, they like all of us will feel the effects of a world that cannot be saved from climate change. So, before its too late, start thinking of ways we can be more eco friendly, so everything on earth can prosper and live freely, our ecosystems, our animals, our oceans, humans, and our home, earth.
I think this article serves as a great final warning to world leaders and politicians. Our human ways need to change, not only on a federal level, but all the way down to the municipal level. It starts at home, people need to go green, and discover new ways to be more Eco-friendly. It is going to be close, staying under the 1.5C limit by 2030 is a steep goal, but if politicians that endorse this goal are elected on all levels of government, the world can still change for the better by 2030. Also, voters need to be more active and show they care for not only the environment, but for the younger generations that will have more problems than us, if this is ignored.
(10-16-2018, 06:40 AM)Blake Cherpin Wrote: [ -> ]I think this article serves as a great final warning to world leaders and politicians. Our human ways need to change, not only on a federal level, but all the way down to the municipal level. It starts at home, people need to go green, and discover new ways to be more Eco-friendly. It is going to be close, staying under the 1.5C limit by 2030 is a steep goal, but if politicians that endorse this goal are elected on all levels of government, the world can still change for the better by 2030. Also, voters need to be more active and show they care for not only the environment, but for the younger generations that will have more problems than us, if this is ignored.

I agree. In order to change the actions of humans on a global scale world leaders must come together, form a plan of action and implement it on the rest of the population. Changes in our world are in immediate need and if we don’t do everything we can as soon as possible the world as we know it may no longer be. I also agree that a big part of the action must be done through younger generations as they will be the ones who have to face the reality of our changing planet.
(10-09-2018, 01:59 PM)Brandon McCabe Wrote: [ -> ]

Hello, the featured article is one that stresses the importance of reducing the negative effects us humans have on our own planet, earth. This thread will be a brief summary of the article, and why it is so important. 

According to the article, the earths temperature is warming up to 1.5C, it does not seem like much, but this little number could possibly have massive effects on ecosystems, animals, and even ourselves, humans. Many government officials met in South Korea to discuss this matter as it has been regarded as an emergency. How may this affect us? In order to combat climate change, we almost have to change everything about how we live daily. This includes transportation, housing, it can even come down to how we eat. To become more efficient in transportation, we must carpool more, use public transit, ride that cool bike sitting in your garage, or even investing in electrical vehicles. To become more efficient in housing, we must look at houses/apartments that offer a more efficient bill each month, or follow the trend of going solar. It may sound ridiculous, but we can also help reduce climate change when we eat our favourite foods. If we don´t waste our food, we reduce the amount of times a truck has to deliver to a grocery store, eliminating air pollution, which reduces climate change.

Scientists are saying these changes should happen by 2030, but it will not only be us making these changes. Our governments and leaders also need to step up to the plate. It has been estimated that governments must make investments of up to 2.3 trillion dollars to reduce these emissions and lower our global temperature. If this does not occur, we will most likely lose many ecosystems, animals, and even icecaps which means high water levels. Why is this so important? High water levels will raise the sea level, causing many small islands and shore cities to flood.

Scientists say we should act, and rather quickly. We do not have much time, but there is some time to correct it. 12 years. Humans are resilient, but are arguably one of the most stubborn creatures known to earth. In order to achieve a more eco friendly world, we must influence. This takes influencing those that believe, those that do not, and those that simply do not know. We must also apply pressure upon our leaders to recognize this issue, because if they do not act, they like all of us will feel the effects of a world that cannot be saved from climate change. So, before its too late, start thinking of ways we can be more eco friendly, so everything on earth can prosper and live freely, our ecosystems, our animals, our oceans, humans, and our home, earth.
I agree with the article. If we want this world to be a habitable place for future generations, we must start doing the little things every day to save our planet. If everyone takes the bus instead of driving their nice new car every day, and eats the whole pizza instead of leaving half behind, we can make a big difference. In the 1980's, the people of Earth realized that they were using too many chlorofluorocarbons, which were burning a hole in the ozone layer. If people did not realize this, the outcome would have been catastrophic. Back then, the people of Earth banded together and stopped using CFC's. Now, we must come together again to save our planet.
I agree with this article. I believe that we may not be able to completely fix everything, but I do believe that we can start to change the way we do things. Climate change is serious because once we lose ecosystems, animals, and even icecaps we will never be able to go back and fix it so we should try to fix it while we can. If everyone comes together to do little eco-friendly things then eventually it will all add up and make a difference to the Earth. We should be thinking about the future because it will be too late if we leave it all until the last minute.
I also agree with this article. But the problem is that we can't just swich to an eco-friendly (and eco-friendly can have a different meaning to others), and it would take a long time to go back as it use to and there's already permanent damage, so the earth will be different than it was when humans began its first civilization, anyways one way to fix the ecosystem is for humanity to leave earth and leave the planet to regenerate by itself and slowly add humans into the mix so the earth can adjust to humans on it, but for this to happen this has to take place in the space exploration age, where we have the technology to live and survive in space.
(11-01-2018, 12:07 PM)Radu Almasanu Wrote: [ -> ]I also agree with this article. But the problem is that we can't just swich to an eco-friendly (and eco-friendly can have a different meaning to others), and it would take a long time to go back as it use to and there's already permanent damage, so the earth will be different than it was when humans began its first civilization, anyways one way to fix the ecosystem is for humanity to leave earth and leave the planet to regenerate by itself and slowly add humans into the mix so the earth can adjust to humans on it, but for this to happen this has to take place in the space exploration age, where we have the technology to live and survive in space.
I disagree with the space idea, I think we should stay on earth and switch to an eco-friendly environment because we have everything we need on earth and also it would probably be really pricey to get the whole human population into space or a different planet. The government is already making investments of up to 2.3 trillion dollars to reduce emissions and lower our global temperature so why go to space, which would be expensive, when we are already investing into lowering emission. Even if it would take along time we are still regenerating the earth ,back to the way it was originally, even though it might not be as fast but we are still doing something rather then nothing.