In the article it talks about the rise of CO2 in 2017 by 1.2%, even though it is a small percentage CO2 is still rising which in the long run will affect society. According to the UN by 2030 CO2 emissions would have to decrease by 55% of today's emissions to keep the 1.5C goal. Scientists say that nations must raise their efforts five fold just to stay on track for that 1.5C goal, at this rate the temperature rise is heading towards 3.2C by the end of this century.
I believe that as a society we have to realize that as our current rate the Earth's magnetic field which protects us from the sun's UV rays will not last very much longer. I think that we should start putting our efforts into preserving what we have left in order to survive safely as long as possible. Most people do not think that what they are doing will affect the earth's atmosphere but if all humans are thinking like that then we will end up affecting the atmosphere trimaticaly.
I also agree, earths society has to realize that preserving our planet is a priority, and that actions have to be taken to help reverse the damage done. Governments need to encourage and in some cases, enforce the population to change their ways, and behaviors. More of the population have to start partaking in public transport, or use electric cars. Car companies have released electric cars, but they are fairly pricey, and their range before needing a charge is inefficient. These companies are in a race to make a cost-efficient, durable, and long lasting, fully electric automobile. Although it is mainly money that fuels this race, the result will benefit society, and make switching to an all electric car, a reality.
(11-30-2018, 11:23 AM)Blake Cherpin Wrote: [ -> ]I also agree, earths society has to realize that preserving our planet is a priority, and that actions have to be taken to help reverse the damage done. Governments need to encourage and in some cases, enforce the population to change their ways, and behaviors. More of the population have to start partaking in public transport, or use electric cars. Car companies have released electric cars, but they are fairly pricey, and their range before needing a charge is inefficient. These companies are in a race to make a cost-efficient, durable, and long lasting, fully electric automobile. Although it is mainly money that fuels this race, the result will benefit society, and make switching to an all electric car, a reality.
I agree with you in that humankind has to realize their actions are greatly affecting the planet, even though they may not think that one individual taking the bus or buying an electric car is going to change anything. I think this is a huge problem as it allows people to fall back into the behaviour that is evidentally destroying our home. By spreading awareness about how big our world's isuues really are and how one person's actions can really influence the fate of our planet because that one person becoming conscious of what is good and bad for the planet means another is doing the same thing somewhere else and the pattern continues until individuals changing their own actions become many individuals changing their actions all with one goal in mind, saving our home. I bellieve that these actions will help to make the necessary environmental goals seem easier to reach.
I believe people do not realize how harmful CO2 and other chemicals we are putting into our atmosphere are. They have lasting effects such as terrible air quality which can harm the lungs all the way to causing acid rain which affects our agriculture to creating holes in the ozone layer. I think it will take less effort, money and time to prevent these things from happening then it will to deal/fix them after these possible problems arise.
(11-29-2018, 11:47 AM)Mathew Amorim Wrote: [ -> ]In the article it talks about the rise of CO2 in 2017 by 1.2%, even though it is a small percentage CO2 is still rising which in the long run will affect society. According to the UN by 2030 CO2 emissions would have to decrease by 55% of today's emissions to keep the 1.5C goal. Scientists say that nations must raise their efforts five fold just to stay on track for that 1.5C goal, at this rate the temperature rise is heading towards 3.2C by the end of this century.
I believe that as a society we have to realize that as our current rate the Earth's magnetic field which protects us from the sun's UV rays will not last very much longer. I think that we should start putting our efforts into preserving what we have left in order to survive safely as long as possible. Most people do not think that what they are doing will affect the earth's atmosphere but if all humans are thinking like that then we will end up affecting the atmosphere trimaticaly.
I agree that people need to pay more attention about the CO2 that is going into the air and that it is creating holes in our ozone layer. People need to realize the since it is affecting our ozone layer it is causing UV rays to enter earth, which is very harmful, and is heating up the earth. If we continue to let this happen the temperature of earth will increase and could be catastrophic for us and the environment around. It is good though that the United Nations is already making plans to decrease our emissions by 55% which is amazing that we can do that. Not only are we benefiting from this but we are also protecting the future generation with problems like these gas emissions.