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Full Version: How pollution moves around Europe
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This article does a great job of creating a visual for just how ludicrous it is of us as a species to continue to poison our planet, the animation shows the concentration and movement through the atmosphere of nitrogen dioxide, and essentially shows how rapidly pollution spreads and intoxicates airways. 

The article also has a graphic showing that Cars are the number one contribution when it comes to roadside NO2 emissions, which has got me thinking, if we know the dangers our vehicles are putting into the air, why do we not do a better job of car-pooling? Why are big name companies (aside from Tesla of course) not prioritizing finding ways to continue to enhance our electric cars?
I also agree with you that we should be striving to reduce the amount of carbon emissions beingn released into the air and affecting the environment or people who live near the area. People should car pool more or even take they bus more and just by doing something like this is much better they doing nothing. If we don't plan ahead of reducing these carbon emissions, it might become too late to reduce and go past the point of try to stop it from spreading even more.