12-09-2019, 12:22 PM
This article has everything to do with climate change and really brings to life and shows us clearly the effects on what we are doing to our earth. in the 1960s about only 45 ocean sites were suffering from low oxygen, now comparing that to today we have a crazy amount of 700 ocean sites which have low oxygen. Just by this information we are able to observe that we are ruining ecosystems and environments and presently and in the future, are killing many species. I have a strong opinion regarding climate change, as human beings do not respect the world which they live in. Although I am one to talk, driving my car to school everyday, we should all as a human race set plans in place to move closer and closer to a goal without global warming. Oceans are just a small impact of climate change, and as we continue to go down the path we are on now, we will continue to ruin many more environments along with the whole earth itself. results of low oxygen in oceans are shown in the threatening of species such as tuna, marlin, and sharks. These animals take a huge role in ecosystems, without them even more animals could be threatened. Does anyone have any other opinions regarding climate change and the effect we have on the environment.
This article has everything to do with climate change and really brings to life and shows us clearly the effects on what we are doing to our earth. in the 1960s about only 45 ocean sites were suffering from low oxygen, now comparing that to today we have a crazy amount of 700 ocean sites which have low oxygen. Just by this information we are able to observe that we are ruining ecosystems and environments and presently and in the future, are killing many species. I have a strong opinion regarding climate change, as human beings do not respect the world which they live in. Although I am one to talk, driving my car to school everyday, we should all as a human race set plans in place to move closer and closer to a goal without global warming. Oceans are just a small impact of climate change, and as we continue to go down the path we are on now, we will continue to ruin many more environments along with the whole earth itself. results of low oxygen in oceans are shown in the threatening of species such as tuna, marlin, and sharks. These animals take a huge role in ecosystems, without them even more animals could be threatened. Does anyone have any other opinions regarding climate change and the effect we have on the environment.