This is very very scary to hear. But yet most of us have gotten the vaccine for measles another virus similar to it could do serious damage. There has been an increase in measle infections recently, which has brought on a scare as there has been multiple outbreaks in the UK, Africa, and Asia. This is scary as viruses move fast, and in no time at all we could have an epidemic on our hands. In the democratic republic of Congo, around over 5000 deaths have occurred regarding the outbreak. Children were mainly affected by the outbreak. The reason for this outbreak is said to be that there has been a decline in the amount of vaccinations being taken by the population, and in order for the vaccinations to work to prevent an outbreak, 90% of the population must get vaccinations. I believe that vaccinations play a huge role the health of humans, and scientists have worked so hard that we have vaccinations available to us to prevent us from getting sick, and yet some people do not even bother taking it, I think it is totally stupid. As shown here because people were not getting their vaccinations, there was in fact an outbreak which could have been prevented just by taking a simple vaccination. Does anyone agree? Any other thoughts regarding this outbreak?
Diseases were always a threat to humanity. What the article is discussing would be a case of a virus mutating to fight back against vaccines. Its always been scary. The earth bis filled with life, and there has to be a force that keeps the population of living species in check, and this force is known as death to us. There's always a risk of dying in this world, it could be tiny( 1 in 100000) or massive (1 in 5), every time we go out and doing something we accept the risk of dying, but that didn't hold us back look how far humanity advance, we figure ways to lower the chances of dying and made everything as efficient as we could. What do you think about this, leave a replay =).
I believe due to recent myths about vaccines, such as vaccines cause autism, there has been a massive decline in the amount of children receiving vaccines. It should be required that every kid receives the proper vaccines.
There is always going to be a possibility for threats such as this to truly manifest themselves. The question however is how can people be protected when children are being prevented from receiving vaccinations? With more education, hopefully people can realise how deadly viruses and their mutations are.
I believe that unless you physically cannot take these vaccines for medical reasons or something similar, everyone should be receiving vaccines. Those that willingly choose not to get these vaccines are not only putting their own life at risk, but the lives of others. If everyone really understood vaccines, and took them, issues like a possible rising epidemic would not be a problem. Sometimes I wonder if vaccines should be mandatory.
(01-03-2020, 04:42 AM)Justin Robertson Wrote: [ -> ]I believe due to recent myths about vaccines, such as vaccines cause autism, there has been a massive decline in the amount of children receiving vaccines. It should be required that every kid receives the proper vaccines.
Yeah most of these vaccines aren’t doing the work but instead causing more sickness like autism to kids. I feel like they should first test the kid out to know if the kid body can withhold such vaccine and not turn it to something else