12-01-2018, 03:42 PM
(11-29-2018, 08:04 AM)Tamara Taylor Wrote: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46227763
This article focuses on how a women fell in love with and found the passion of trying to save the Sumatra's Leuser Ecosystem, the last wilderness are that alows animals like orangutan's, rhinos, elephants, and tigers to live in the wild. It talks about how big companies are going onto the land, destroying the habitat's and ecosystems in order to clear it to plant and grow palm oil, which is a top most profitable crop in the world. This development and industrialization is threatening to destroy the very fragile enviornments in the area.
I think this article provides a very personal story on how one individual has been inspired to do better for the world by creating awareness and highlighting the reality of what big coporate companies are doing in order to make money and well as meet consumer needs. In order to fix try to fix this issue the companies that are destroying the environment, need to have more strict rules and regulations that they abid by in ll situations. Another way to fix this issue is to raise awareness, which is already being worked towards, and have people that either do not know or do not care, understand the outcome of the companies' ways.
It's quite refreshing to see that although it may be somewhat rare, their is still a healthy dosage of individuals putting the needs of the environment before their own, paving a way for the future of our earth. I think it highlights how the initiative of one individual can set the path for others to want to contribute in a healthy and proactive way.