11-03-2019, 01:58 AM
I feel like this is a great accomplishment for our world. As more and more people learn and find out more about the dilemma of climate change the more people will make smarter decisions regarding how to take care of our world. If we describe climate change as a world dilemma and invite thousands of citizens to such an assembly. 30,000 people were invited to this assembly to gain knowledge and show and spread awareness. The assembly will be taking place next year and at this assembly decisions will be made for more environmentally friendly decisions. these decisions will then further be passed to parliament to make bylaws and further change in cities, provincies, countries and territories, all out changing the decisions of our world all together, as the human race can hopefully turn to more sustainable paths. Some changes that are being worked on and committed to is that the UK government is planning to cut all carbon emissions by 2050. information from multiple countries will contribute to making sustainable decisions for the whole world to agree to. Slow and easy contributions to the end goal is encouraging to help make final changes. does anyone have any comments on the climate change dilemma? I definitely know that not all the countries will agree with changes the rest of the world is willing to make. Like for example, USA, and Donald Trump will not be signing or making any agreements as the last climate change agreement that involved the US did not last long. I although do not agree with the decisions made towards climate change by the USA, they do have their own point they bring, although it is not enough to disregard the changes being made in the environment.
I feel like this is a great accomplishment for our world. As more and more people learn and find out more about the dilemma of climate change the more people will make smarter decisions regarding how to take care of our world. If we describe climate change as a world dilemma and invite thousands of citizens to such an assembly. 30,000 people were invited to this assembly to gain knowledge and show and spread awareness. The assembly will be taking place next year and at this assembly decisions will be made for more environmentally friendly decisions. these decisions will then further be passed to parliament to make bylaws and further change in cities, provincies, countries and territories, all out changing the decisions of our world all together, as the human race can hopefully turn to more sustainable paths. Some changes that are being worked on and committed to is that the UK government is planning to cut all carbon emissions by 2050. information from multiple countries will contribute to making sustainable decisions for the whole world to agree to. Slow and easy contributions to the end goal is encouraging to help make final changes. does anyone have any comments on the climate change dilemma? I definitely know that not all the countries will agree with changes the rest of the world is willing to make. Like for example, USA, and Donald Trump will not be signing or making any agreements as the last climate change agreement that involved the US did not last long. I although do not agree with the decisions made towards climate change by the USA, they do have their own point they bring, although it is not enough to disregard the changes being made in the environment.