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'Shame and anger' at plastic ocean pollution
Scientists who advised the Blue Planet II documentary team say they feel "shame and anger" at the “plague of plastic” impacting the natural world.

Even in the remote waters of Antarctica, they have found evidence of plastic killing and harming seabirds.

Wandering albatrosses – which have the longest wingspan of any birds alive today – are thought to be especially vulnerable.

Nesting on the barren islands of South Georgia, they feed their young by scouring thousands of miles of ocean for squid and fish but often bring back plastic instead.

On Bird Island, predators often eat dead chicks before the researchers can reach them – and the suspicion is that the effect of the plastic goes beyond the direct killing of seabirds.

According to Dr Quinn, the threat is more insidious, weakening birds as they waste energy trying to digest plastic, which has no nutritional value, and potentially poisoning them as chemicals are released when the plastic breaks down in their stomachs.

This is really a shame to see how far materials that are man-made have caused disruptions in the ecosystem. Many organisms e.g fulmars are having their ability to breed affected by plastic. Scientists and everyone else may feel anger and shame at the glaring effects , but if actions are not taken, then nothing is going to change.
Its really sad to think that just 1 bottle of pop could lead to the destruction of an entire family of birds......
Wow the plastic waste is really doing more damage and am sure that the
Fishes they eat probably had plastic in it. If we
Don’t learn to dispose and recycle plastic waste probably they won’t be any beach or ocean and any species of aquatic animals.

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